Life on the Road

Monday, July 28, 2008

Katie's Bday party...had to dress up like starting with "K" or "T"

The cast!
"K"iss and a "T"errorist

In Juneau going down the Mendenhall River fed by the melting of the Mendenhall Glacier:)

They thought cars would stop the erosion...nope!

That's the glacier behind me!

In Ketchikan I had the opportunity to visit the Potlatch park and see tribal houses and totem poles and learned a lot of the history of Native Alaskans...very cool.

A soaring eagle:
When the water from the river rushes over the rocks it produces this foam:
Eagles tearing some fish apart:
Can you find all fifteen eagles in the trees? (hint: white heads, but young ones blend in the trees and all brown)

A couple of weeks ago in Sitka I had the opportunity to go on the Captain's Choice shore excursions.  A small boat with only 15 other people going whale watching and then landing on one of the many islands and's some of the really cool things:

One bear:
Two bears:

Monday, July 14, 2008

This past week in Ketchikan I had the opportunity to go snorkeling. We wore pretty thick wet suits, gloves, boots, and a hoodie...only our lips were really exposed to the cold it wasn't too cold.

I saw so many sea stars (starfish) it was ridiculous. They were so beautiful too....bright orange and purple!

This is where we went snorkeling...Mountain Point Cove. It was such an amazing experience and totally free thanks to Holland America!