Life on the Road

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Day One in the Middle of Nowhere

First the plane...of course I was one of the last gates in the terminal...walking to the plane was even more interesting walking down the steps and out on the tarmac to get to the plane, which was only 4 people wide and 12 rows, not even full...WOW! It was a wee bit bumpy, but overall not too bad. The airport I landed at was very nice, all 4 gates! The plane was too small to fit both of my bags, so my second bag caught a ride on the 2:30 flight from ATL. I'm at a hotel right now with 6 other cast members. It's not too bad...two queen size beds, a small fridge, a microwave, and it even has a Denny's across the street!! FUN! My roommate is great...Erica from NYC (originally Cali) and the other four are guys are really great as well (all gay so far). We all made a fun trip to the Super Walmart down the street...I got to drive the LONGGGG 12 passenger 1980's was very fun to park. So, I'm set for food some. Rehearsals start tomorrow morning bright & early at 10 am to the fabulous hour of 9 pm, with some breaks thrown in of course. I'm excited, a little scared, and a little nervous...prayers would be greatly appreciated:)


  • Yay! I'm your first comment! So where is this middle of nowhere place? Is this the Illinois theater opp you e-mentioned a little while back? Hope you're doing well (sounds like it!) Love Gwen

    By Blogger Gwen, At 11:47 PM  

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