Life on the Road

Sunday, April 30, 2006

How to act like a cat...

When we first arrived at rehearsals the cast had a "cat class" where we learned different catisms. We talked about how to sit, walk, get up, get down, run, lay down, and just move in general. Not too hard and a lot of fun! Especially all the stretching part. But the harder part of learning to be a cat in the faces and head to yawn like a cat, how to use your tongue, how to have to make it automatic. Because it has become such a large part of the show and an automatic thing with your body, it's hard to let go of. Some things we find ourselves doing...not on the stage....are yawning with really weird faces and the tongue out, jerking the head to the right or left, quite quickly, to listen to someone or something, making really weird stretch faces when there's an itch, and the best...sniffing of the nose, just quick ones, but they're there just the same. So if you see me after the show, be prepared. (one nice thing is that my reflexes have improves:)

Friday, April 28, 2006

My birthday bash at the baseball game proved to be too much fun. I'm sure the Swing of the Quad Cities have never had as many gay boys in their history as there were last night. Because it was to celebrate my bday pretty much the whole cast went, including our boys who have NEVER been to a baseball game (WHAT?!?!?), I'm sure the $1.50 beer helped. I had a blast with everyone, talking, dancing, rooting for our boys, eating tons of junkfood, and taking lots of picts. My name was announced and put on the a 21st bday, I wish! And I got my pict taken with the mascot, a HUGE monkey...interesting. My felllow castmates also tried to get the centerfielder's number for me, with no such luck. Sadly, I don't know if we even won or lost...we decided to leave at the end of the 12th inning. It kind of reminded me of the Bravos, the Swing were up 4-0 when our relief pitchers fave up 4 runs in the eighth and ninth innings. But I had a blast...great start to my bday weekend.
Went to the mall today, got my cookie cake, had some YUMMY Chicfila (have introduced many of our Northern castmates to the fabulous chicken sandwich), got my haircut, and hit some fabulous sales. Also got a birthday package from the rents, but alas I must wait until my actual bday, tomorrow, to open...ARGH!

I've been told I'm slacking on my blogs, so my next few days will be devoted to a blog a day....I've been told a blog a day keeps Eric away;) What you have to look forward squirrels, how to act like a cat, kidney stones, concussions, & more!!!:)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

My first single A baseball game...what a fun experience. The Swing of the Quad Cities play right across the river in Iowa, just a short five minute drive away. The baseball was not all that great or talented, but what a blast! The tickets were $7! Wow! We sat in the outfield, which is just a grassy hill...hello blankets & picnics. A group of us went and enjoyed the beautiful weather (until the sun went down...brrrrrr). It's a beautiful stadium with a beautiful view of the Mississppi and the Centennial Bridge. Of course the wind was whipping...bbbbbrrrrrrrrrbbbbbrrrrr (insert shiver). Lots of hotdogs, sodas, popcorns (all $1 each....can you get it!?!?!?!?!?!), and many errors later, we were ready to head home with a loss:(
(got a little view of some BC from some TT that decided to sit in front of us...TT who left trash all over....argh!!!!)
A WooHoo for small middle American towns!