Life on the Road

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm a Rockette!

I received the wonderful call yesterday, and I will be spending m Christmas season in Chicago and Boston...brrr....woohoo!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fun on the Fourth

My first July 4th in the city and it was definitely a fun one. We ended up at my friend Beth's apt. (white kitty from CATS) on 20th & Park (wow!), played some cards (Euchre!), ate some fabulous food (the famous Taco Ring...yummy!), and then headed up to the roof for some fabulous views. From up there we could catch the East River fireworks clearly with an okay view of the other two fireworks display by Macy's. The first pict is the group up on the roof (not quite sure what building that is behind us). The other pict is of the fireworks over the east river...the Chrysler building is to the left. It was so amazing to be up on a rooftop in NYC watching fireworks! WooHoo! After the fireworks we headed back down for a rousing game of Scene It! A great time was had by all:)

So I'm finally back in NYC, in my beautiful apartment, and enjoying my new job. People come from all over the world to the Big Apple and some choose to take a tour of the fabulous Radio City Music Hall. The best part of the tour is getting to meet a famous Radio City! I sit in my little room behind the gold door with a star on it and wait for the knock on the door. When I hear the knock I come out and meet the crowd;) I give my little speech, answer some questions, take some pictures, and then back into my little room. I have a lot of time to read the paper, read some books, of course I do my sudoku puzzles, and I'm taking up Spanish. Hopefully I'll get a lot accomplished in these next two months. I also have a lot of time off and have decided to experience the city...there are a lot of free things to do in the city in the summer and I hope to do many of them. I also am looking to do some volunteer work, and take classes and voice lessons. I'm just gonna have to be pretty smart with my money.
I'm gonna try to update the blog with all the funny questions I've been asked. One of the most frequently asked questions is "how old is the oldest Rockette?" I've been asked for hugs and been mouthed a "call me."
Enjoy the picts!