Life on the Road

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fun on the Fourth

My first July 4th in the city and it was definitely a fun one. We ended up at my friend Beth's apt. (white kitty from CATS) on 20th & Park (wow!), played some cards (Euchre!), ate some fabulous food (the famous Taco Ring...yummy!), and then headed up to the roof for some fabulous views. From up there we could catch the East River fireworks clearly with an okay view of the other two fireworks display by Macy's. The first pict is the group up on the roof (not quite sure what building that is behind us). The other pict is of the fireworks over the east river...the Chrysler building is to the left. It was so amazing to be up on a rooftop in NYC watching fireworks! WooHoo! After the fireworks we headed back down for a rousing game of Scene It! A great time was had by all:)


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