Life on the Road

Monday, June 02, 2008

So my 28th birthday started with a great whiteboard right outside my door:) Lots of good wishes. I then got to open my package from my family....lots of goodies!
Some members from the cast took me to dinner at the Pinnacle...yummy! Bradley (the head chef) made some chocolate covered strawberries for me....but wait, it gets better!
The cast surprised me with a birthday party in the crew mess. The cake was so good (finally some sugar icing and straight dessert, nothing fancy).
They put on quite a show for me. I found out they had been rehearsing for weeks to put on a showcase for me. For the showcase they wrote a song and used 12 Days from the Radio City Christmas Spectacular and used choreography from all of our shows on the ships. It was AMAZING!!!!! I'll try to post the video on youtube soon. Our M1 also put on quite a show...he dressed up like a showgirl from the 40s (maybe one of the Andrews' sisters) and did a dance  to "I Wanna Be a Rockette". The show was such a wonderful surprise and blew me away. Although....during the kickline a shoe did fly off a foot and hit my in the eye....and here it is.....


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