Life on the Road

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

3 Days Down...

3 days down and 2 weeks to go until we open. I can still move, so that's a good thing, but I am stil very sore. We've learned the hardest stuff..the opening and the ball...try singing and running at the same time and that's about what I feel like. I've gotten to know everyone a little bit better and I'm really excited!! I'm actually looking forward to moving into the cast house. I love CATS so far!!! The choreography is so much fun and I'm dancing like crazy!
On the other front...I'm rereading "The Bible Jesus Read" by Philip Yancey...good stuff. He brings an interesting perspective to Job, especially considering theologians consider it the first book written and yet it still talks to so many people's lives. I'm excited to read more:)


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