Life on the Road

Monday, March 20, 2006

The New Me

After about an hour of Stephanie (my director/choreographer who played the role of Cassandra (my role) on the national tour for 2 years and Broadway for .5 year) doing half of my face and me the other, here's the results...not too bad, but it's gonna get better. Steph told me the quickest she did...after TWO 40 minutes. Prep time for CATS is gonna be crazy between warming my body up and the makeup, at least the costume shouldn't take much time...ummm...a unitard. We're almost done with the show. We finished Act I a couple of days ago and that has more dancing with the opening and Jellicle Ball. Second act is much easier with a lot of special acts, so the next couple of days is gonna be pretty easy...and...we get a day off! WooHoo!
Last night the most of the cast went out because of makeup day today. We had a lot of fun, and I'm so looking forward to moving into the house and getting to know and hang out everyone (and I'm sooooo looking forward to having a kitchen:)
Beth (our Victoria, the white cat) and I went to church on was kind of like of stepping back in time, maybe to the nineties...I must confess that I saw a woman with a mullet...yes, I had a moment. The church was great, praise songs from Passion's first couple of albums, fun because I haven't sung those songs in a while. They had breakfast and lunch, so that was nice. And the pastor was a great speaker...I lost him a little when he was talking about duck hunting...but got him back when talking about James. Some other people have expressed interest in going to church, so I'm excited!
Once again god has given me such an amazing opportunity...Go God!!!


  • AHHHHHHHHHHH! Why would you scare me that way? Good heavens that's a scary picture. I mean, you are beautiful. And your makeup, well, its frighteningly cat-like. I'm afraid of cats. But I'm glad you are blogging! And the makeup is very accurate.

    By Blogger Emmuh, At 9:42 AM  

  • hey the make-up....scary to me as well...but still cool. can't wait to see it in person!!!! i'm praying for you as always and love you.

    mullets do rox...esp the parisien kind!!

    By Blogger Pamela, At 6:19 PM  

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