Life on the Road

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Indonesia=Little to No Internet I have much to catch you up on!

So first: Did I succeed in staying awake until 9pm on the first day? Almost. I made it til about 8:30, but the last 3 hours are a blur, including eating some amazing sushi.

My second day in Singapore was spent taking a nice little bus ride around the city, a great way to get an overview of everything. I also did a little shopping. Singapore is having a huge sale right now, so off to Orchard Road I went (think 5th Ave). Orchard Road is a little overwhelming with all of its shops, but I got some cute things at a great price. The evening was spent starting my travels. This was the itinerary:
Thursday night: Fly from Singapore to Jakarta, Indonesia
Friday: Tour Jakarta
Saturday mornig: Fly from Jakarta to Bali
Sunday: Ride some elephants
Monday night: Fly from Bali to Jakarta
Tuesday: More shopping in Jakarta
Tuesday night: Fly from Jakarta to Singapore

Wow! I don't think I've ever flown, or will ever fly that much in one week again! (The week also includes my flight to Singapore). I wasn't sure my ears were ever going to recover, but I think they on to Jakarta.

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