Life on the Road

Sunday, March 26, 2006

And it all begins... bring everyone up to date, it's been an interesting week to say the least. First our Grizabella (the cat around whom the story focuses) got chicken pox, for the second time. The owner of the theatre did some research and found some bad facts that wouldn't be too good for a cast that hangs out with each other ALL the her contract was terminated. So our Bomb got moved up to play Griz...and they flew in another girl to play Bomb (Thursday night). So she's learning some of the show (mainly Macavity...the best song EVER) and we're reblocking the rest. So that's fun and exciting.
Not done yet....
On Friday, we found out one of the cats has scabies...what!?!?!?! Little mites that suck your blood under your skin and make you itch like crazy! So we all got scabies cream to prevent an outbreak among the cast. What is up with all the skin probs in our cast?
This morning we went to move into the theatre finally (the show before us closed on Saturday night), but the set was not we had an easy day...maybe. Of course this is the day we move from the hotel to the house. And of course the fridges were full of junk and so gross. So we all had to get moved in and clean up and go to SuperTarget. but hopefully tomorrow (Monday) will go well. I'll let you know:)


  • Hey!

    I'm glad to hear you are still pursuing all your dreams! Take care!

    By Blogger LKH, At 10:36 AM  

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