Life on the Road

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

First Shore Excursion

Just wanted to write a quick word about my first shore excursion. I've finally gotten on the ball of things and went today (for free:). My tour took me on a bus ride on the coastal road of Mazatlan to a private resort where we were given lessons on how to make 6 different types of salsa (don't worry...I'll share some recipes later) and then taught salsa daning. There was plenty of food and drink for all! After the salsa lesson we were given a couple of hours to chill by the pool and ocean or shop. It was AMAZING and did I mention it was FREE!?!?!?!?!
I'll post pictures later (I'm on an anitque computer in the terminal right now).
I'll also put bigger and more pictures up when I can get my laptop to some high speed stuff.

Miss everyone!


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