Life on the Road

Sunday, April 16, 2006

My first single A baseball game...what a fun experience. The Swing of the Quad Cities play right across the river in Iowa, just a short five minute drive away. The baseball was not all that great or talented, but what a blast! The tickets were $7! Wow! We sat in the outfield, which is just a grassy hill...hello blankets & picnics. A group of us went and enjoyed the beautiful weather (until the sun went down...brrrrrr). It's a beautiful stadium with a beautiful view of the Mississppi and the Centennial Bridge. Of course the wind was whipping...bbbbbrrrrrrrrrbbbbbrrrrr (insert shiver). Lots of hotdogs, sodas, popcorns (all $1 each....can you get it!?!?!?!?!?!), and many errors later, we were ready to head home with a loss:(
(got a little view of some BC from some TT that decided to sit in front of us...TT who left trash all over....argh!!!!)
A WooHoo for small middle American towns!


  • is that other comment bogus? anyways...what does "can you get it?" mean? i don't think we say that around here;o) you must have picked that up from one of your non southern friends;o) looks like a lot of fun!

    By Blogger Pamela, At 4:25 PM  

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