Life on the Road

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Shore Excursion #2

I went on my second shore excursion today in Puerto Vallarta. I boarded a Pirate Ship at 8am, had breakfast, and watched some pirate shows on our way to a private beach. The shows were great and included singing, dancing, and even some sword fighting. Once we reached the beach (about 2 hours later) I went snorkeling for about 20 minutes...saw some beautiful jelly fish (don't worry, i didn't get stung) and some beautiful fish and took some pictures that hopefully turn out. AFter snorkeling I hung out on the beach for an hour and a half while the others went wave boarding, banana boating, swimming, kayaking, volleyball, and the kids went on a treasure hunt. On the way back we had lunch and contests. The best part of the day was when we spotted a mom and kid humpback whale and watched them swim for about 30 minutes. The kid kept breeching (jumping out of the water) was pretty amazing. I got some great video and pictures. I'll post them on youtube and my blog when I get to a good internet connection. Once again all the food and drinks I wanted and adventure and all for free! I LOVE MY JOB!!!!


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